100 000 visitas

Posted: 19/10/2011 by pr1979 in Uncategorized

  1. Filipe diz:

    Parabéns pelo blog, ajudou muito xD

  2. Patrícia diz:

    100.000 visitas ?!! superou as expectativas .
    Parabéns, o blog foi uma grande ajuda no ano letivo anterior !

  3. It really is rare to discover a professional person in whom you will surely have some confidence. In the world in the present day, nobody genuinely cares about showing others the answer in this subjecttopic. How fortuitous I am to have now found a wonderful site as this. It is really people like you that make a true difference in this world through the suggestions they write about.

    • pr1979 diz:

      Thank you for the compliment.
      This blog is a way of helping my students and others that come here.
      Fortunately results are appearing…

  4. ah muito bem sr. professor… xD ate os estrangeiros reconhecem o seu trabalho… sim senhor… xP

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